I’m now posting animations of creators that I enjoy to my website. I will always link to a creator’s relative pages. Beforehand, I will always attempt to ask if they would be okay with me doing so. If you are a creator, but you are hard to reach by normal means (e-mail), I may post […]

Now that we’re practically done with G1PC (we planned to do more with it, but unfortunately it didn’t work out), we’ve got this up and running now. I could talk about it more here, but why not just check it out instead? Download is available in the video description.
This Tuesday, I will be hosting another VA stream, the same way I’ve done for the past few weeks. I want to see 10 people in that stream at some point. That’s all I’m going to say.
Alright. I want to ideally make this into something cool. But…I can’t do that if there’s no audience. In a nutshell, I want people to start coming to these streams, especially after the amount of time we put into making G1PC playable for everybody. Eventually, I would like to add more to the virtual arcade […]

Let me take a little look… Great. Another character for me to completely and utterly ignore. Onto the next one…

Well this takes me back a bit. It’s a game made with Multimedia Fusion, a program that dates back quite a few years at this point. Like most games made with the program, it seems to follow a relatively simple template. That said, I feel that this game is executed considerably well. The controls are […]

Let me take a little look… Next. Plain and simple. How much longer till we get another gem?

Looking for G1PC stuff? You can now see it anytime over at Rumble, along with other videos and anything else that I stream! https://rumble.com/user/SMBVIP Do me a favor if you head over there, and follow, like, subscribe, all that banter =P. Seriously though, it would probably help. Also, share videos if you can, wherever you […]

Let me take a little look… Another dud…I won’t be getting this character anytime soon. Whoever was in charge of making Saika’s animations needs to do all the character animations…Or at least draw from the same inspiration…