
Poke’ Girl Wrestling…

Now that we’re practically done with G1PC (we planned to do more with it, but unfortunately it didn’t work out), we’ve got this up and running now. I could talk a

I’m now posting animations of creators that I enjoy to my website. I will always link to a creator’s relative pages. Beforehand, I will always attempt to ask if they would be okay with me doing so. If you are a creator, but you are hard to reach by normal means (e-mail), I may post […]

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Now that we’re practically done with G1PC (we planned to do more with it, but unfortunately it didn’t work out), we’ve got this up and running now. I could talk about it more here, but why not just check it out instead? Download is available in the video description.

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Alright. I want to ideally make this into something cool. But…I can’t do that if there’s no audience. In a nutshell, I want people to start coming to these streams, especially after the amount of time we put into making G1PC playable for everybody. Eventually, I would like to add more to the virtual arcade […]

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Well this takes me back a bit. It’s a game made with Multimedia Fusion, a program that dates back quite a few years at this point. Like most games made with the program, it seems to follow a relatively simple template. That said, I feel that this game is executed considerably well. The controls are […]

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Looking for G1PC stuff? You can now see it anytime over at Rumble, along with other videos and anything else that I stream! Do me a favor if you head over there, and follow, like, subscribe, all that banter =P. Seriously though, it would probably help. Also, share videos if you can, wherever you […]

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