
Ecchi & Craft

Video Post

This game, released earlier this month by developer Azcat, mixes hentai with crafting and building elements. This is already something that sets it apart from many hentai games right off the bat, not to mention the fact that it’s actually done well =). It is the second action game released by this dev I believe, with the first being Chronos Gate, another game I also consider to be good and well thought out.

The game thankfully has joystick support, and the controls are fairly intuitive considering the genre of game that this is. It’s fairly easy to accomplish the different tasks you might find yourself needing to do whether its breaking/placing blocks, or switching to a weapon that you need to defeat a specific kind of enemy. Inventory management can seem a little unwieldy at times, but it’s nothing that you can’t get used to. The grind for items you might need to craft weapons or structures for your base is minimal, and you have quite a few options for designing the kind of base you want. There are a considerable number of enemy types in the game, and the combat feels satisfying and flows well. I also found that the challenge was neither too hard or too easy.

I would say my biggest complaint with the game at this point, is that the endgame isn’t thought out too well, or doesn’t seem to be finished…After you beat the game and the “curse” is supposedly lifted, there just isn’t that much left to do, and the playtime of the game is not really that long. The game teases you with slots in your character equipment screen for different clothing, only to never give you any kind of character customization options, despite alluding to the possibility of them being available, once you beat the game.

That aside, if you’re into crafting games and want a little ecchi thrown in there, you might want to give this game a look: