
Heroine Rumble

Video Post

Happy New Year to everyone! I’ll kick it off with an unusually in depth review.

Heroine Rumble…when I first heard of this game, I was super excited. Like, I couldn’t believe that somebody was actually taking the time to make it. Then I played it for the first time and well…let’s just say that my expectations were not met. The first time I played it, the game was in early alpha and of course it was rough around the edges. I will say that despite that, I still felt that it was not going in a direction I would prefer for a game of the genre.

Now playing the latest version, I’ll say my prediction was…half right. The models or *ahem*, model…is gorgeous as far as 3D models go. Even though it’s the same base model across the board, there are enough variations in hair, skin tone, accessories, etc. to be interesting. Would have been nice to at least have some different faces across models, but for the most part it’s negligible. There is a create-a-character option, which is definitely a plus. Even though getting access to the different parts that you want for your character can be quite a chore, the RNG element of it does add some lifetime to the game, and it is kinda fun, although I wish I could actually see whether or not a character has the leggings or tail that I want in story mode….

As for the look and feel of the gameplay…it has it’s ups and downs. The submission and sex animations are pretty well done and pleasant to look at. Most of the grapple or throw animations on the other hand…lack some much needed impact. The transition between certain animations are noticeably lax or non-existent, where they should have been filled out for a 3D game. Some of the attack animations could look better as well. That triple kick for example. >_>’ Also, I find myself sorely disappointed by the lack of possible “victories by pinfall”. It’s billed as a wrestling game, yet that half of the wrestling element is missing. The only time you see it is when a girl is completely out of health. Probably more of a personal preference, but I would have wanted to see more of this BEFORE a match has ended. Powerbomb pin for example.

The AI in the game…is stupid in my opinion. A level 1 AI will stand around staring at you for unprecedented amounts of time, all the while moving JUST out of range of your attacks, until you back them into a corner…yet when they get you down, they suddenly start bulldogging the hell out of you, much like a level 5 AI. Level 5 AI is more challenging for sure, but in some bad ways. What the higher level AI’s tend to do is react to your every input, all the while employing the same range measurement tactic that the lower level AIs use. Luckily, the AI does take random initiative at times, using an un-provoked attack. If it’s an attack that can be blocked or dodged, you can usually counter it pretty easily, which does add some balance to AI. The crowning crux of the higher level AI however, is the reversal system…and by system, I mean match your button press up with a thin little line; a feat that only the AI can accomplish with ease 95% of the time. It makes using submissions on high level AIs almost pointless.

That brings me to the submission and escape system. I will say that it is more unique and adds more nuance to the game than simple button mashing…however, I would greatly have preferred button mashing in this kind of game, due to the fact that trying to match up your button press with a little bar to escape requires MUCH more concentration. In fairness, there IS an option to automate the escape, however doing so will forfeit your control over how long certain things last. Furthermore, certain things in the game are automated no matter what, things that I feel should not be. Overall, the pace of the game could be tailored more to be easier controlled by the player, without interrupting the glorious action element.

For this video, I got some modifications made to get the gameplay at least a little closer to something I would be more comfortable with…and doing so was purportedly a nightmare. The game was said to have dynamic memory and tendency to crash akin to games that are a programmatic mess. I can’t possibly be sure how accurate that is however… Overall, I would say that this is a GOOD game, despite the issues I have with it. If you care to, be sure to check it out: