This is a game developed many years ago by an artist known as Kiyoa, over at Eka’s Portal, a vore-centric website (AFAIK). I’m not really a vore fan myself, but this game has a very interesting take on the subject…and I do appreciate the girl on girl aspect of it. This is a lewd game, […]
This is a recent game made by developer Apricot. It’s a simple side-scrolling action rpg, that has some highlights to it despite its bad implementation. I like the in-game animations, as well as the simple leveling system. Some of the abilities are neat, and the protagonist is sexy. The bad? The bosses kind of suck. […]
Now, the exact title of this game is as I’m looking at it, “Size Fetish One x Shota Battle 2 – Mutant Vs Agent”. For the sake of simplicity however, I’m just referring to it as Agent Vs. Mutant 2. I would imagine that the title has something to do with the size of the […]
This game…is unexpectedly…one of the best games I’ve ever played. I say that because I don’t think it’s an action game in the traditional sense, which is what I find myself having a preference for. Gameplay is simple, sweet, and just customizable enough. It’s one of several games that are being developed as part of […]
More of this. Some things have been added/changed apparently. Not bad. o.o
This is a hentai mod of Doom. That’s right…Doom! For some FPS players of old, this would have probably been considered a dream come true back in the days. I’ve never really been much of a doom fan myself however, so you’ll have to excuse me if I scrub out in the video. If you […]
An obvious parody of Final Fight, that furthermore makes use of several main characters that are parodies of other popular characters in media. This is a game made by Nonki, the developer who you may know as making the Queen’s Axe games. Unlike that line of games however, this game actually incorporates sex into the […]
Game currently being developed by Toffi. This particular developer has made extensive use of the 3D custom girl models since he first appeared, and also has a particularly strong affinity for dick girls. Despite the stock look of the models he uses throughout all his games, the games themselves are actually not bad. Please, if […]
A quick uncensored run of a game that I consider somewhat of a classic at this point. A simple beat-em up style game, that I’ve definitely played through a few times by now. More could have been done with it, but for what it is, it’s satisfying. Please, if you care to, support this author: […]
Game that came out last year by developer Afternoon tea, that seems to use models built with custom girl 3D. Seeing as how these models are now a widespread staple of many hentai game developers, the overall affect they have on the player, depends on how creatively they’re being used in whichever game they show […]